
Oil Rig Worker

It looks like I'm going to be an oil rig worker pretty soon. If that really happens, then I'll be offshore for 2 weeks each month. But on the plus side, I get the other 2 weeks off. 2 bloody weeks off. Thats too much idling time, though I'm not in any way complaining at all.
So what's it like, you know, working in an oil rig? you may ask.

It's roughly like this:
You get covered with dirty mud, oil, grease, water, diesel and a whole lot of other nasty things everyday, for the whole 2 weeks. You work from 6 am to 6 pm, and occasionally even until midnight. You smell like oil after work everyday.You work in a hazardous environment where everything around you can blow up in an instant. It's offshore, so it's not like you can go anywhere after work, you're stuck there.
It's rough and dirty. Definitely no metrosexual bullshit here.

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