

This blog has been around for over 2 years!! Wow. Probably one of my longest commitments, ever!
And to commemorate my 2 year anniversary, I decided to go through and re-read all of my posts, starting with the very first one, dated 19/3/05.

The early posts were embarrassingly juvenile. Thankfully, it improved and became a bit more intelligent and mature over time. And (I think) it became genuinely hilarious too. I particularly am proud of my "dialogue" sessions that occasionally appeared in my blog. I really think that those posts were quite good, if not excellent. Haha.

Anyways, I've also realised that my recent posts aren't anywhere as good or even funny as my previous ones. Maybe it's because I don't watch a lot of TV anymore (most of my posts are based on my experiences watching TV) or maybe I've become a dull person suddenly or maybe I just don't think enough nowadays, I don't know. And the thought of that is quite disturbing, really.

No one knew where the line Here's looking at you, kid is taken from.
I'd still like to have Fell in Love with a Girl played.


Anonymous said...

congratulations, todek! long may this blog continue..

adi said...

kau telah meng'inspire'kan aku to write. haha.

Anonymous said...

humprey bogart is the man.. thats from casablanca.. and you cant find ladies like ingrid bergman these days...

todek said...

That's right. Humprey Bogart IS the man. He made a cheesy line cool. And Casablanca is a great movie.

Simply a Book Review Blog said...

Good on ya mate!
Keep the funny blogs coming.

Anonymous said...

2 years huh. i don't even reach 6 month. good on u