
The problem with...

I read somewhere over the weekend about the difficulties and trouble people have when dealing with ex-girlfriends (or ex-boyfriends for that matter). I felt that I could somewhat relate to these situations considering my few oh so uncomfortable experiences with those whose names shall not be mentioned, ever! (And for some of you who can guess, please keep your mouth shut. Haha). Ideally, we'd like to think that we can have some sort of relationship with our exes but in reality that rarely happens. Rarely.

And any efforts to even start a non-boyfriend/girlfriend type of relation is just hopeless. It starts off really awkward, then you start questioning why would you even bother, eventually you'll just say "Ah, fuck it. Its pointless" and there goes your noble act of reconciliation down the bloody drain. And it will happen that way. No happy endings, my friend. None.

So, with exes, never ever talk to them unless its absolutely necessary, and even then, with minimal words. And if you bump into them somewhere, say hi and go away. Any encounter more than 5 minutes will be extremely awkward and potentially embarrassing. But what's worse, there's always the small chance of feeling hurt. And why bother with all that when you can ignore this bullshit?
Well, at least that's what I do. I don't know about you. But it works for me.

On another note, I've been watching re-runs of House. I love it. And I'm getting more cynical the more I watch it.
On another another note, I'm slightly embarrassed to watch Stevie G's Celcom ad. Haha, come on, Stevie, you could do much better, mate.


Anonymous said...

yeah it's hard, but as real men, we gotta show some class la hatta dalam awkwardness sekalipun. keep cool, head high and move on.

todek said...

Faruq: How many? Let's just say that's its enough to make it messy.

Pyan: Exactly. It's all about class.

Anonymous said...

Interesting thoughts. Come to think of it... To us, they are our exes. To them, we are theirs. No other way to look at it. And the bitter the separation, the harder to forgive and forget. But, that doesnt mean we'll them the satisfaction of knowing that they have impacted our lives albeit negatively. Just hold ur heads high, and be as aloof as you can.

Unless u two are really fated to be together, dont even try to make it work the second time.

Gawd, I hate being an ex...